Sunday, July 12, 2009

Do I need to learn VB before C#?

I'm about to start learning a new language. I'm intimate with computers but have never programmed. Do I need to learn VB before C#? Do I need to know C# at all or will VB provide what I need to get good developer work?

Do I need to learn VB before C#?
you do not need to know VB before C#. Since it will be your first language, i would go with C#. Once you know that, VB will be easy
Reply:No. Id start with C# then VB if ever needed. Thats the best way IMHO.
Reply:Sure, you can, but i recommend first VB, so you see lil of programming, but a big start it's with C# If you got tutorials, or people to help you, but if you will explore first i recommend you VB first, get tutorials, that helps you a LOT!

Google it, you will find lot of awnsers ;)

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