Saturday, May 9, 2009

How to find c++ developers with banking industry experience in sydney. i don't have access to job boards need

It has links to other sites if you can't find it there.

How to find c++ developers with banking industry experience in sydney. i don't have access to job boards need
Hi, Thanks for your great suggesstion. I would search there. Report It

Visual C++ developers... Please helppppppppppp?

How to control or change the entire size of a window in MFC? I really want to make sure that when user clicks fullscreen button, the entire screen is covered and there are no white borders on any sides of the window. White borders makes my application dirty. Please help...

Visual C++ developers... Please helppppppppppp?
So TRUE Full-Screen you are trying to, there is something i never attempted with C++ before (how odd, you'd think after the stuff i've done). You could resize the window where when you get the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING (or whatever it was called..sorry i am not infront of my dev machine now) then you modify the window's x,y start position and the width and height to expand outside the visible region i.e., use -50,-50 for x,y -- if you want to be precise then you'd have to request from windows what the size of the form's non-client regions are and from there use that to subtract from the x,y which will put it off-screen precisely, and you'd expand the width, height by the additional amount + extra that represents its non-client region border....Come to think of it now, i guess i have done this before, just indirectly....

But if you're really ambitions you could get the Desktop window's HWND and from their draw directly to the screen after your window has gone full-screen..this way you can write anwhere on the screen...of course, this is more work than necessary so...


C++ developers openings in London Ontario?

what does this mean?

Visual C++ developers HELP?

What code or lines of code will I use to close my application e.g. the same as that of clicking the exit button on any windows application?

I tried

1. exit(0), exit(1) ---%26gt; but it gives an error message

2. CFrameWnd::PostMessage(WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); (same)

3. //AfxGetMainWnd()-%26gt;SendMessage(WM_DESTRO...

//AfxGetMainWnd()-%26gt;SendMessage(WM_QUIT); (same)

4. ((CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainWnd())-%26gt;SendMessage(WM_CLOSE... 0, 0); (same)

I have an activeX control embedded in my application.

The error message comprises of three buttons namely Debug, Send Error Report and Don't Send...

Please help

Visual C++ developers HELP?
try this...


I want to join Microsoft Team of C & c++ developers. how I can?

I am Programmer from asia and have craze of c %26amp; c++ programming

I want to join Microsoft Team of C %26amp; c++ developers. how I can?
join microsoft community and work for them without getting paid from microsoft.Exihibit ur skills to public and send the proof to the MVP in the microsoft community.

if u r studyin in very good college u cud easily get into MS without much effort :)

Java book for c# developers?

hi, i'm already a c# programmer, and i heard that java is pretty similar to c# (actually c# is the one similar to java), so i thought i should check it out.

is there a book out there to teach java for the ppl who are already c# programmers, or programmers in general who are aware of general concepts like oop, classes, polymorphism and stuff?

a downloadable free book is preferred.. thanks

Java book for c# developers?
go to sun's free java tutorials...they assume that you have knowledge of basic programming concepts, and it seems like you do, and is pretty succcint and easy to read and understand.


Is it true that Java is harder to learn than C#? Does anybody know an agency for junior developers?

I'm going to school for Java, but when I went there the teacher said that it's easier to get a job for C#, because there are more demands for C# junior developers? Is that true? and she said that it's harder to learn Java than C#. I want to learn Java but I also want to find a job right away after I go to school, so I'm confuse which course I should take. Please help.


Is it true that Java is harder to learn than C#? Does anybody know an agency for junior developers?
There is nothing wrong with java. In fact, 25% of the legacy code out there in the corporate world is java, followed closely by VB -- the Microsoft realm, which includes C# and .net. As far as a job...

It never was what you know, but who you know. The businesses dealing with money want database experts, not code monkeys (java or C#). They export jobs that code monkeys can do. The money people DON'T export database jobs.

Tell your instructor that and get enrolled in a real university with a real CIS department -- that will get you a 65% chance of getting hired from an on-campus interview.

Anybody aware of a certification course for C/C++ developers on Linux?

Suggestions about certification course for C / C++ developer on Linux platform that can add value to the career...

Anybody aware of a certification course for C/C++ developers on Linux?
The certifications tend to be devised by software and hardware vendors to certify support for their particular product. While this is prevelant in Windows development, the Linux world is built on an entirely different model.

Most C/C++ programs in linux are written in gnu gcc or gpp. These are non-commercial applications, and the notion of having some sort of certification program for them would probably cause Richard Stallman (founder of gnu) to cough up a lung. (I've never met anybody _less_ commercial than RMS.)

The way to prove yourself in the gnu/linux world is through experience on open-source projects. Find a project you're interested in and contribute. If you can't code yet, add to documentation or testing. If you can code, find a mentor and work on a smaller bug, then work your way up.

In the open-source community, open source project experience is a far better indicate of talent than artificial certifications developed by self-serving corporate interests.

Where can I find Software developers with C++ C# skills?

Looking for C++, C# developers, for a global software company.

Where can I find Software developers with C++ C# skills?
Reply:I have a Masters degree in developing (.Net engineer). But with limited experience, but will help/work for free to get some experience. I love programming and still write some apps, although, I am working as a SEM executive at the moment. I am sure current emploters will recommend me.
Reply:Go to and post. Very good site for tech jobs.
Reply:You can find many freelance programmers with above skillsets at website like .

Hire a headhunter.

Place an advert in trade magazines, newspapers and websites listing the job opening.
Reply:if this is outsourced work then I am a pretty good developer in c++ myself.
Reply:I do C++/C# - what is the nature of the work?
Reply:C# is my forte... whatcha need?